Human Rights and present / future ICT ‒ Why and how are they related?
ISOC Switzerland Chapter - Friday, August 10, 2018Building on the first two events of the Values of Internet Technologies (VIT) series, this third workshop will explore Human Rights and how they relate to the digital sphere. We will delve into the impact of Internet protocol design on Human Rights and look at the protocols existing today. Finally we will discuss the potential of technology for protecting Human Rights and changes needed to strengthen this role.
This workshop will be held in parallel in Zürich and Genève with video conferencing (morning session only) on September 11. Please register below for attendance.
Genève, September 11, 2018, 9:30-14:00
La Pastorale (Maison Rose), Route de Ferney 106, 1202 Genève
Zürich, September 11, 2018,9:30-16:00
SWITCH, Werdstrasse 2, 8002 Zürich
About the workshop
In the workshop taking place throughout a day, we’ll explore what Human Rights are, how they relate to the digital sphere, specifically to Internet protocols and what’s the impact of Internet protocol design on Human Rights: we’ll look at the protocols existing today and also discuss what needs to be changed fo technology to play an important role in protecting Human Rights.
9:30 Introduction & Presentation Round
10m (Imai Jen-La Plante, Hernâni Marques and Michael Hausding)
9:40 What are Human Rights and how did they emerge?
30m (Ellen Walker – rightstech.org) Slides – Recording
10:10 How do and which of the Human Rights relate to the digital sphere?
30m (Richard Hill – ISOC Switzerland Chapter) Slides – Recording
10:40 Coffee Break – 20m
11:00 How do Human Rights relate to Internet protocols? Insights from work inside the Human Rights Protocol Considerations (HRPC) group
30m (Hernâni Marques – pEp foundation) Slides – Recording
11:30 Panel Discussion: Potential and challenges for technology in protecting Human Rights
1h (Moderator: Imai Jen-La Plante)
12:30 Lunch – 1h30m
14:00 Digital rights as human rights: The important role of Free, Libre, and Open Source Software
30m (Panayotis Antoniadis – nethood.org) Slides – Recording
14:30 Coffee Break – 20m
14:50 Analysis of current Internet protocols in terms of Human Rights
30m (Hernâni Marques – pEp foundation) Slides – Recording
15:20 Discussion
16:00 Farewell
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