stad in maak
C4R ecosystem - Sunday, July 11, 2021The City in the Making foundation (“Stichting Stad in de Maak”) was set up in 2013 in response to two urban issues: How can ‘stuck up’ (and thus vacant) real estate be given a local social function instead of long-term vacancy? How can city dwellers be more directly involved in the development of their street, neighborhood and city?
City in the Making uses such long-term vacant real estate to develop activities that bring about the involvement of city residents in their own living situation and environment. Vacancy has a negative effect (deterioration, disinvestment). And it is equally socially irresponsible to leave parts of the city empty while there is an urgent need for affordable space for living, working and local initiative.
Temporary Housingj, by Stad in Maak
Pieter de Raadtj, by Stad in Maak
Stokerij, by Stad in Maak