Prinzesserin Garten
C4R ecosystem - Wednesday, January 17, 2024Nomadisch Grün (Green Nomad) launched Prinzessinnengärten (Princess Gardens) as a pilot project in the summer of 2009 on Moritzplatz in Berlin Kreuzberg, a site that had been a wasteland for more than half a century. Along with friends, activists and neighbors, the group cleared trash, built transportable organic vegetable gardens and harvested the first fruits of their labor.
Source : Photos de Google Earth (Moritzplatz Berlin 2006/2012)
Imagine a future where every available space in big cities is used to allow new green spaces to flourish. Green spaces that residents create themselves and use to produce fresh and healthy food. This would result in increased biological diversity, reduced CO2 emissions and a better microclimate. These spaces would foster a sense of community and the exchange of a wide variety of skills and forms of knowledge, and help people lead more sustainable lives. They would constitute a kind of miniature utopia, a place where a new urban lifestyle can emerge, where people can work together, relax, communicate and enjoy locally produced vegetables.
In the future, more and more people will live in cities rather than rural areas. The city will therefore become the decisive place for the development of more sustainable modes of eating, living and traveling. The city of the future should be a pleasant and climate-friendly place to live, where everything is done to preserve our natural resources.
Prinzessinnengärten is a new place for urban learning. It’s the place where locals can come together to experiment and learn more about organic food production, biodiversity and climate protection. This space will help them adapt to climate change and become familiar with healthy eating, sustainable living and a future-oriented urban lifestyle. With this project, Nomadisch Grün intends to increase the biological, social and cultural diversity of the neighborhood and pave the way for a new way of living together in the city.
Text Source : https://prinzessinnengarten.net/about/