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Tag - Animals
Have a cup of tea while not looking at the news (it is all bad)
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Creatures can converse and share their stories by voice or text through
visitors’ mobile phones at Museum of Zoology
If the pickled bodies, partial skeletons and stuffed carcasses that fill museums
seem a little, well, quiet, fear not. In the latest coup for artificial
intelligence, dead animals are to receive a new lease of life to share their
stories – and even their experiences of the afterlife.
More than a dozen exhibits, ranging from an American cockroach and the remnants
of a dodo, to a stuffed red panda and a fin whale skeleton, will be granted the
gift of conversation on Tuesday for a month-long project at Cambridge
University’s Museum of Zoology.
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In Australia we have real endangered animals
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Sometimes you’ve got to make the most of your 15 minutes of fame
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Do fish feel despair or longing? Do they yearn for a simpler time?
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Contrast my anger towards puppy mills with the joy of seeing a rescue dog
running on grass for the first time in its life
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It’s a lovely story even without all our (my) twee anthropomorphism projected on
to it
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Non-traditional pets get millions of online views. But the rising trend poses
questions about animal welfare
In a quiet neighborhood in California’s capital, residents have gotten used to
the screaming temper tantrums of a two-year-old. “No, Merlin!” they’ll hear his
mother shout whenever he’s had enough of his favorite snack. “No more ice
“We haven’t had any complaints from the neighbors yet,” says Mia Alali, the
mother in question. That might be because Merlin is just about the cutest
two-year-old in California. He also happens to be a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig.
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Now all we have to do is breed a bunch more and return them to Macquarie Harbour
where … er … they will all die
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