Referendum gegen Netzsperren im GeldspielgesetzEinreichung der Unterschriften
heute Nachmittag in Bern 18. Januar 2018 Gleich drei Komitees haben
Unterschriften gegen Netzsperren im Geldspielgesetz gesammelt. Neben den Jungen
Grünen und einem Komitee aus Jungfreisinnigen, Jungen Grünliberalen und Jungen
SVP hat auch ein Bündnis aus netzpolitischen Organisationen für das Referendum
gekämpft: Die Digitale Gesellschaft, die Internet Society...
The post Medienmitteilung: 50’000 Unterschriften gegen Netzsperren im
Geldspielgesetz beisammen
appeared first on ISOC Switzerland Chapter [].
Tag - network blocking
To navigate the Internet, users typically use domain names in their browser’s
address bar. Domain names will be translated to machine-readable IP addresses by
the Domain Name System (DNS) and those IP addresses are used to connect to the
requested website. The process is similar to using a phone book to look up the
The post Switzerland needs a wider DNSSEC Deployment!
[] appeared
first on ISOC Switzerland Chapter [].
The Swiss National Council just approved network blocking. The National Council
debated on 1 March 2017 the law on gambling (“Geldspielgesetz,” “LJAr,” “LGD”)
within Switzerland. However, the debate was fundamentally about more than just
gambling, it was about public access to websites of foreign online gambling
sites (casinos, poker sites, etc.), since they will be...
The post Bad day for the open Internet in Switzerland
[] appeared
first on ISOC Switzerland Chapter [].