C4R network - Friday, March 5, 2021The Atelier d'Architecture Autogérée, AAA, is a research and action platform that explores and develops spatial tactics and strategies with a strong ecological, social and political dimension at the level of the everyday.
AAA's work is rooted in local contexts and, at the same time, is connected to research networks at different scales.
Since its creation in 2001, AAA has been initiating and accompanying citizen ecological transition strategies (R-Urban) on a local and international scale. AAA acts at the roots of global crises (ecological, economic, democratic, social, etc.) by creating opportunities for the greatest number of citizens to join the ecological transition through resilient and sustainable lifestyles: short circuits, local production and consumption, reuse and recycling, collective governance of common goods, etc. To implement these ecological transition strategies, aaa co-designs and co-builds ecological transition hubs that are initially managed with local actors and, subsequently, are managed by the project leaders who emerge around these urban resilience hubs (urban agriculture farms, solidarity economy spaces, waste reuse and recycling units, ecological housing cooperatives, etc.).
AAA works through a network open to multiple perspectives: architects, artists, students, researchers, retirees, politicians, activists, residents and all concerned users. aaa's projects have been exhibited and presented at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2012 and 2016, MoMA New York, Berlin Biennale, Pavillon d'Arsenal Paris, Palais des Nations Unies Geneva, etc. For its work, aaa has received several national and international awards including the International Resilient Building Award Building for Humanity (2018), the European Prize for Political Innovation in Ecology (2017), Laureate "100 projects for the climate" at the COP21 (2015)...
To see some projects
R-Urban ecological transition strategy
What is to be done ? 4 Questions
Agrocité in Gennevilliers, France