27 MARCH 2021
[00:15:00] Introduction
[00:22:10] Presentation of BigBlueButton
[00:34:35] Presentation of the seminar
[00:41:43] Presentation of the C4R project
[00:51:56] Pecha Kucha
Intentional communities [00:53:55] CLTBruxelles (Sophie Ghyselen, BE) /
[01:02:38] MOBA Housing SCE (Ana Džokić & Marc Neelen, RS & NL) /
[01:07:35] Asilo Filangeri (IT) / http://www.exasilofilangieri.it/
[01:17:47] NetHood (Ileana Apostol, CH); http://nethood.org/
Open civic communities [01:26:26] ZAD de Notre Dame Des Landes (Isabelle
Fremeaux, FR) ; https://zad.nadir.org/
[01:33:43] Agrocité Hubs (Pascale Meker & Constantin Petcou, FR) /
[01:49:00] Fédération Murs à Pêche de Montreuil (Clément Girard, FR) /
Multi-scale networks [02:07:14] R-Urban (Doina Petrescu, FR & Andreas Lang, UK)
R-Urban is a citizen-driven ecological transition strategy that was initiated in
2008 by AAA and subsequently developed on the basis of multiple partnerships:
local actors, municipalities, NGOs, traders, researchers, residents. This
strategy has made it possible to build several specific units in the Paris and
London region. http://r-urban.net/
[02:17:53] Transition Vallée de la Bièvre (Simon Burkovic, FR) /
Shared expertise, P2P, cooperativism [02:27:43] femProcomuns (Monica Garriga,
ES) / https://femprocomuns.coop/
[02:33:54] Chartes des communs urbains / Remix the commons /
[02:41:54] DisCO (Stacco Troncoso, ES) / https://disco.coop/
Experiences of resilience governance through commons
[02:53:50] Keynote
Maria Francesca De Tullio (IT) http://www.exasilofilangieri.it/
[04:22:58] Keynote
David Bollier (USA) http://www.bollier.org/
[05:02:22] Discussion
[05:45:56] Transversal discussion between the working groups and formulation of
hypothesys of possible tools to be shared with other project leaders, activists
and researchers.
Tag - AAA
The C4R platform powered by blob, has now been launched at
Stay tuned!
Created thanks to several workshops gathering users, associations, and local
representatives at R-Urban Bagneux, the interactive map "shared neighborhoods"
identifies sharing and solidarity activities in Bagneux and in the surrounding
This map presents the domains of sharing (ecology, culture, sport,
solidarity...) but also what is shared (knowledge, material goods, services...)
and with which participants.
Discover here the result of these collective mapping sessions and learn more
about the sharing network of Bagneux and its surroundings.
citydev.brussels and the Brussels Studies Institute are jointly organising the
7th edition of their inter-university chair. This edition is about The
Co-Resilient City. Participants are also invited to reflect on that theme during
several workshops.
Co-resilience is the ability of groups and communities to thrive and connect
with others in times of crisis. The chair’s programme will address co-resilience
processes, including key aspects such as Actors & Resources; Infrastructure &
Tools; Organisation, Governance & Policy; Ecology, Economy & Wellbeing. It will
also explore ways to map those aspects and create future scenarios. The aim is
to learn from local and global initiatives and define forms of collaboration and
strategic action that can have more impact and agency at the city scale.
The inaugural address introduces these issues through the experience of R-Urban,
a project of the Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée as a commons-based network of
civic resilience. R-Urban shows how architects, designers and other actors can
collaborate with citizens and municipalities to design and manage urban commons.
These commons can provide solutions to the complex transition process towards
more resilient forms of governance at different scales, from the neighbourhood
to the city, the region and beyond.
Interested? Meet for the inaugural speech on 10 March at 2.30pm at the Solvay
Library, on Rue Belliard 137, 1040 Brussels.
This will be followed by four more classes and two workshops.
Info and registration:
R-Urban and its two units in Bagneux - Agrocité and Recyclab - are winners in
the "reconnecting with nature" category of the New European Bauhaus 2022 prize,
one of the most prestigious prizes in contemporary architecture. The award
recognizes projects that embody the spirit of the New European Bauhaus:
beautiful, sustainable and inclusive. It is a great recognition for this
collective work initiated by AAA (Atelier d'Architecture Autogérée) on civil
resilience and ecological transition in the city.
This evening was an opportunity to celebrate together with local actors the
award and to renew our common commitment to the initiative "Bagneux, European
ground for citizen ecology".
At the beginning of 2023, we have reached a new stage in the R-Urban Bagneux
strategy. The R-Urban, Agrocité and Recyclab, units have been donated to the
Ville de Bagneux after several years of co-governance as common goods. This
donation was made following the joint development of a common preservation
charter with the city of Bagneux. We are very pleased with this legal step
forward for the communal management of the commons but also for the R-Urban
strategy which directly benefits the citizens of Bagneux! These two units can
now continue to evolve and see the emergence of reflections on the creation of
spaces and collectives that work for the ecological transition in contemporary
cities threatened by the climate risks that we know. By continuing to work
together, collaboratively and with long-term visions, we should eventually find
new ways of living that are resilient and friendly to all! Signing the charter
for the preservation of common property by Marie-Hélène AMIABLE and Pascale
MÉKER (Bagneux town hall) and Doina PETRESCU (AAA).
Almost a year ago, we had the honor to visit Gilles Clément's beautiful
garden-laboratory in the Creuse. Share with us this experience via our video 'In
The Plants World'(with english subtitles) :
It is a concrete and long term experimentation of the idea of the "Planetary
Garden", which aims to "maintain or increase diversity through a consensual
practice of non-development ... and raise unproductivity to the level of
Enjoy your visit!
On June 21, 2022, we had the pleasure of hosting well-known Australian economist
and geographer Katherine Gibson at our seminar on citizen economies in Bagneux.
This was an opportunity to learn more about « diverse economies » and to
practice in workshop form an alternative accounting of different forms of work
for the benefit of the commons.
The C4R's collective residence was dedicated in part to defining an ecological
and adequate way to the principles of the "planetary garden" and the "garden in
movement" in the management of the living present on the Terrra project site.
Noting the imbalance caused by the invasive presence of black locust trees, it
was decided to reduce the number of these trees in the borders of the wooded
areas in order to favour a better dynamic of biodiversity. We have also carried
out mowing courses, and we have classified the wood cut for later use in the
various developments. Following Gilles Clément's advice, the coordination of the
workshop days was carried out by Stefan Pop and we also involved the inhabitants
of Brezoi who participated by contributing their local knowledge (as well as the
use of the draught horse for steep areas).
Site of the project Terrra
Use of the cheval de traction
Classement du bois coupé
Cours de fauchage :
TERRRA is a trans-local hub for exploring new ways of living, new alliances with
nature, better balances between production and consumption. Located in the
Carpathian Mountains, in Brezoi, Romania, it offers a space to valorise
traditional knowledge, in dialogue with recent technological and environmental
advances. TERRRA is also a network of activists acting at the intersection of
ecology, architecture, artistic practices, pedagogy and research, through a
multitude of practices and projects at different scales. TERRRA will host a
branch of the School of Planetary Gardeners, a "disseminated educational
project" initiated by Gilles Clément in different parts of the world. Its
location will be used as "didactic" material for teaching traditional and
contemporary practices of restoring living landscapes (the living).
Below, a video dialogue with Gilles Clément on the occasion of a workshop
organised in July 2021 in Brezoi. How can we value a unique craft and
traditional know-how in an economy that is programming them to disappear? For
whom is the learning of these practices intended? Gilles Clément evokes the
Romanian artisanal construction practices as a treasure of know-how to be
protected, developed and transmitted to future generations. In this sense, the
TERRRA hub and the School of Planetary Gardeners will welcome young people who
question current practices and are looking for alternative ways of doing. In the
longer term, the aim is to change practices through action, and to raise
awareness in order to enhance this artisanal know-how and to change the current
economic thinking.