An abandoned Australian ‘experiment’ shows that the public can successfully
object to what companies and politicians claim is inevitable progress
Scratch a digital capitalist and you’ll find a technological determinist –
someone who believes that technology drives history. These people see themselves
as agents of what Joseph Schumpeter famously described as “creative
destruction”. They revel in “moving fast and breaking things” as the Facebook
founder, Mark Zuckerberg, used to put it until his PR people convinced him it
was not a good vibe, not least because it implied leaving taxpayers to pick up
the broken pieces.
Tech determinism is an ideology, really; it’s what determines how you think when
you don’t even know that you’re thinking. And it feeds on a narrative of
technological inevitability, which says that new stuff is coming down the line
whether you like it or not. As the writer LM Sacasas puts it, “all assertions of
inevitability have agendas, and narratives of technological inevitability
provide convenient cover for tech companies to secure their desired ends,
minimise resistance, and convince consumers that they are buying into a
necessary, if not necessarily desirable future”.
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