Finally, Lara Croft no longer looks like a strong wind would knock her over.
Netflix’s new animated series boldly reimagines the adventurer – with no thought
to the male gaze
Hot on the heels of that Oasis reunion comes news of the return of another 90s
icon – Lara Croft. She bounds back on to our screens with a new animated series,
still sporting that holy triumvirate of classic ponytail, backpack and combat
boots. From the get-go she’s performing seemingly impossible feats in the name
of archaeology: she outswims a ravenous crocodile, and uses her signature blend
of parkour and gymnastics to avoid a pit of sharp spikes. But this isn’t the
Tomb Raider star quite as you might remember her.
The eponymous star of Netflix’s Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft – voiced
by Agent Carter’s Hayley Atwell – looks different to how she appeared in the
original games. Her thighs are now strong enough to realistically run, climb,
stomp, swim and do all the other myriad things Lara has to do on a daily basis,
while her waist is more realistically proportioned. Her shoulders are broader,
her arms more defined (biceps, triceps and flexors; oh my!), and those
impossibly perky and oh-so-pixelated breasts have been deflated to a size that
fits somewhere within the realms of reason.
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