Run by art and architecture practice Public Works, R-Urban brings together local
residents and Londoners from across the city who are interested in ecological
issues. Using shipping containers housed in a disused car park, R-Urban is a
workshop, training and event series that provides space for green
experimentation for solutions to London’s biggest environmental challenges, such
as poor air quality and waste management.
The site includes a workshop, kitchen, anaerobic digester, tool library and
mobile garden, where local people come together to learn new skills and enjoy
food. The workshops teach basic construction and making skills, and information
on how to recycle and re-use everyday items. Residents can borrow items from the
tool library to complete DIY at home, and summer schools at the site test green
technologies such as living moss walls.
The project is working towards a local, sustainable energy model, collectively
managed by community members, and provides new opportunities for training and
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