Grizedlae Arts (GA) is based in the English Lake District National Park and has
over the last decade gained a reputation for pioneering new approaches to art
production and exhibition. Unlike traditional institutions and, indeed, its own
history in the British land art movement, GA does not have studios or exhibition
space, but rather offers artists the opportunity to carry out projects using
social media, cultural and economic of the territory and beyond.
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Text Source : Trans-Local-Act
Tag - france
Following numerous mobilizations since 2003 for the preservation of building 7,
located in Pointe-Saint-Charles, in Montreal, Collectif 7 à Nous was born.
Collectif 7 à Nous is a non-profit organization born in 2009 which brings
together citizens, cultural, community, libertarian and social economy
organizations. Its aim is to develop the Building 7 project on former CN land,
south of La Pointe. It practices a democratic, horizontal and inclusive mode of
management and practices principles of shared governance and non-violent
communication. The organization is done in circles of evolving and not fixed
Building 7 is now converted into a place of sharing and exchange. Today, the
activities of building 7 are multiple; There you will find: Le Detour solidarity
grocery store, managed by volunteers and offering inexpensive fresh products, a
craft brewery, a Press Start cooperative which is a self-managed place of
gathering, entertainment and debate, an arcade and a training school. art.
Collaborative workshops, called ‘the B7 workshops’ are also organized around
ceramics, DIY, bicycle repair, etc.
The Building 7 project carries values of social justice, autonomy, respect,
democracy and aims to be an engine of social, political, cultural, economic and
environmental transformation, in the environment which gave birth to them and
well beyond.
Source : 100°
Source : Bâtiment 7, 2019
Source : memento
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The activities of the Multimedia Institute [mi2] are vast: informal education,
training in technology and digital media, development of free software,
archiving and publishing of digital and printed media, management cultural and
political work... The Multimedia Institute began in 1999 as a non-governmental
spin-off of the Croatian Open Institute. In the public eye, the work of mi2 is
primarily visible through the activities of its public members. space and
cultural center - MaMa. Since its opening, MaMa has been a meeting place, a
reference point for different communities ranging from political activists to
media artists, electronic music creators, theorists, hackers and free software
developers, gay and lesbian support groups. Guided by the ideal of sharing, it
immediately offered young creators, independent cultural actors and citizen
initiatives free access to facilities and its Web infrastructure. MaMa's
facilities were important to the emergence of the local independent and
alternative scene, but its activities were also very important. In recent years,
the Multimedia Institute and MaMa have become significantly involved in the
fight against gentrification in Zagreb and Croatia.
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Source du texte : Trans-Local-Act
A laboratory for transforming public policies. La 27e Région inspires and
invents the services, administrations and public action methods of tomorrow. It
is a laboratory for public transformation, constituted as an independent
association, which offers a multidisciplinary, reflective and experimental space
to build desirable futures for public action.
Convinced of the importance of reintroducing experimentation and trial and error
into public action, we test new services, tools, methods and organisational
modes with administrations. We mobilise concepts inspired by design, social
sciences and alternative movements (do-it-yourself, free culture, popular
education). The 27th Region relies on a community of practitioners and agents
throughout France, who share and extend its approaches. Through projects and
events, it works to animate and develop this community. The 27th Region seeks to
put forward alternatives to the dominant ideologies of public transformation and
to influence the debates. It documents its concrete experiences, develops
prospective narratives, and publishes articles and books.
Text source Image source: and
Saprophytes Architects, landscape architects, visual artists, builders and
graphic designers, the Saprophytes have been developing artistic and political
projects around social, economic and ecological concerns since 2007.
We claim a relational aesthetic that emphasizes social experience as a founding
artistic and constructive act. For Les Saprophytes, the process of collective
fabrication of the project is as important as its finished form. Seeking the
specificities and potentials of each place, our projects of micro-urbanism, of
concrete urbanism, weave their way between the scales of territory and express
themselves through different types of actions.
ephemeral installations, surprising urban objects that go out to meet the
inhabitants of cities to question the uses and meaning of public spaces.
Long-term actions on specific territories aiming at constituting groups of
inhabitants-builders of collective projects for their neighbourhood.
Construction or help to self-construction of furniture, small architecture,
public space or scenography. Source image Saprophytes Source image Saprophytes
Source image Saprophytes
Transition Town Totnes is a community-led organization that aims to strengthen
the local economy, reduce our environmental impact and build resilience as we
adapt to climate change.
It is an organization run by a group of local volunteers, made up of a small
team, who come together to work on projects. Anyone can get involved. It is a
community organization with nearly 40 local projects and 9 thematic groups
working to strengthen the social economy and prepare for a future outside of
TTT helps create thriving, healthy and caring local communities, where
lifestyles take into account the needs of future generations as well as the
present. Taking into account rising fuel prices, economic uncertainty and
climate change which bring many challenges. However, TTT focuses on these
elements by attempting to increase personal and community well-being, promote
the local economy and find lifestyles in line with the values of our Earth. The
Transition Network is here to support the ever-growing networks of transition
initiatives across the UK and the world and help them to self-organize around
the transition model, to create initiatives that work for resilience.
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Text Source : Trans-Local-Act et
Siebenlinden is an intentional community/village of people committed to
self-sufficiency and a low-emission lifestyle. Different organizational and
legal relationships are organized in various cooperatives.
The Sieben Linden ecovillage is a social and ecological establishment in Altmark
in the region of Saxony-Anhalt (formerly East Germany). The concept of this
Ecovillage was created around 1989. After 4 years, in 1993, a group of people
came together to purchase a "project center" in order to more effectively search
for land to settle on - and promote the concept with politicians and others. In
1997, they found the land on which they built (and continue to build) the Sieben
Linden ecovillage.
Here, adults and children live together on 100 hectares of land and build the
large eco-village with a small ecological footprint. Ecology, social issues,
culture and economics go hand in hand. Sustainable gardens, energy concepts and
straw bale houses are important for the eco-village, but the real heart of
Sieben Linden is friendliness.
"At Sieben Linden, our goal is to provide a model for a future way of life in
which work, leisure, economy, ecology, urban and rural culture can find a
balance. We seek the answers to the problems pressing issues of our time;
seeking human-centered solutions in a place of creativity and learning. This
model aims to show how humans can live more responsibly with nature; than human
communities have no need to exploit or destroy nature but can make a positive
contribution to the quality and diversity of the environment. The many decisions
that accompany the creation of a new community are organized at different
levels, i.e. the scale of the village, or on the scale of a house."
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Text Source : Trans-Local-Act et Sieben
Traficantes de sueños is an activist publishing project. It aims to be a meeting
and debate point for different social movements. As well as an alternative to
distribution to facilitate access to books, leaflets and magazines.
Traficantes de Sueños is a project that aims to provide content and lead debates
useful for collective action. It is also a social economy project, that is to
say an entity without money, involved in the local market.
Traficantes de Sueños started in 1995 with the aim of generating a space where
materials for reflection meet; the tool used for this is the book, understood as
a means of individual and collective transformation. They also organized the
associative library, distribution; the space for self-training and production of
Nociones Comunes.
The space is not only the headquarters of the library, but it is a collective
space, open to the city, which hosts a multitude of presentations, projects,
meetings, exhibitions and debates.
The TdS associative library specializes in the critical analysis of social
movements and stories from other worlds. The TdS editorial publishes background
and sharing texts with the Creative Commons license which allows free copying
and downloading. The TdS distribution offers books from other parts of the world
and many texts from small alternative publishers.
Source : Wikimedia Common
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Text Source : Trans-Local-Act et
Dartington Trust is home to two faculties, Schumacher College and Dartington
Arts School, which – through undergraduate and postgraduate programs and short
courses – offer a radically transdisciplinary approach to education.
More broadly, this site is a center for learning, arts, ecology and social
justice, with the student campus being a key element in the life of the estate.
Schumacher College aims to help participants experience what founder Leonard
Elmhirst called “the abundant life.” The College's community life takes place in
and around a medieval house near Totnes, England.
During the day, lectures, discussions and small groups take place. In the
afternoons it is possible to take excursions to the coast or to Dartmoor, walks,
study visits, tutorials or specialist conferences. There are meditation times, a
group meeting and a session in which participants help prepare food and maintain
the surrounding environment. This aspect of the courses is an essential element
of College life: integrating intellectual discussions into daily activities
related to building maintenance promotes a level of understanding in which
personal values and course objectives are combined.
Source : L'arbre aux étoiles
Source : Scholarship Positions
Source : Schumacher College
Text Source : Trans-Local-Act et is a multi-stakeholder cooperative with two types of members: Our
operational members occupy specific functions within three sociocratic circles,
in order to provide reliable video conferencing services to our user members. It
is a cooperative video conference service platform (alternative to Zoom) whose
governance is based on the commons and which supports an infrastructure of
international dimension and a form of hybrid or integral cooperativism: it
integrates producers and users. Remix is co-founder of the cooperative.
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