Instituto Terra is a non-profit civil organization founded in April 1998. It is
dedicated to environmental restoration and sustainable rural development in the
Vale do Rio Doce. The region was originally covered by the Atlantic Forest and
includes the municipalities of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, bathed by the
Rio Doce watershed. Instituto Terra is the result of the initiative of the
couple Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado and Sebastião Salgado, who, faced with the
scenario of environmental degradation in which the former cattle ranch acquired
from Sebastião Salgado's family - as well as many other rural units located in
the town of Aimorés - was located, made a decision: to return to nature what
decades of environmental degradation had destroyed. Source: Sebastião Salgado
Source: Sebastião Salgado
source: wikimedia Source main image: Instituto Terra Source text: Instituto