We are a research and education centre rethinking the way we live, work and play
around the world. Founded in 2007! Fab Lab Barcelona was the first Fab Lab
funded in the European Union in 2007 and is a benchmark in the powerful network
of over 1800 Fab Labs in over 100 countries. We produce world-leading research
and innovation based around the digital fabrication laboratory which is located
at our heart.
We are situated inside the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
(IAAC) in the 22@ District, Poblenou, Barcelona. The building, which was a
former ceramics factory, is a laboratory for ideas. We use our digital
fabrication facilities to prototype, fabricate and test these ideas in the real
world as research, education and innovation. Including 18 European Research
projects since 2014.
We are a world leader of programs for the future of education. Fab Lab Barcelona
was one of the first locations of the global distributed education program, Fab
Academy. The global program of 65 locations is now coordinated from Fab Lab
Barcelona. In 2018, The Master of Design for Emergent Futures was launched by
IAAC and ELISAVA, co-directed and curated by Fab Lab Barcelona.
As part of the transition into Industry 4.0 and leading the Fab City initiative,
Fab Lab Barcelona focuses on the human-scale and the everyday experience;
identifying opportunities in rising trends across seven strategic areas of
expertise. IAAC blog Josep Martí. FabLab Faculty Source: Yoshihiro
Main image:eventbrite.com texte: Fab Lab Barcelona