Enspiral defies simple explanation. It is many things to many people at once. It
is a mutual aid network. It is a social impact entrepreneurial incubator. It is
a future of work and new economy catalyst. It is a collection of channels on
different mediums punctuated by meet-ups and retreats. It is a network of
colleagues and friends. It’s none of these things and all of them at once.
You’ll get a different answer for what it is from each person you ask. Myself,
Emma Buck, and Emmi Bevensee, through Rebellious Data, set out to try and get an
answer, if not a definitive one, then one that captured all of this complexity.
In May, we proposed, and got funded within Enspiral, to do an impact report of
the Enspiral Network. Doing impact evaluation on an organization like this is
far different and more complex than on anything else we’ve worked on. In four
years, Enspiral evolved from a vision of "more people working on stuff that
matters" to a global network of socially-minded individuals and enterprises.
(Courtesy Enspiral) Individuals can choose among multiple levels of engagement.
(Courtesy Enspiral) Enspiral Space is Enspiral's co-working facility in
Wellington, New Zealand. (Courtesy Enspiral)
Main image: Enspiral Foundation is funded by voluntary contributions from
Enspiral Ventures. (Courtesy Enspiral) Main text: Enspiral Foundation