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Tag - Food
The Dutch-Israeli author on a demonic club hit, her fish fixation, and her love
of furniture restoration videos
Born in Tel Aviv, Israel in 1987, Yael van der Wouden is a writer and teacher
who lectures in creative writing and comparative literature in the Netherlands.
Her work has appeared in publications including LitHub, Electric Literature and, and she has a David Attenborough-themed advice column, Dear David, in
the online literary journal Longleaf Review. Her essay on Dutch identity and
Jewishness, On (Not) Reading Anne Frank, received a notable mention in the 2018
Best American Essays collection. The Safekeep, published by Viking earlier this
year, is Van der Wouden’s debut novel and is shortlisted for the Booker prize.
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A sleep-saving knee pillow, a grater that makes dinners healthier, and a
hairdryer that saves time: these products have changed daily routines for the
Have you ever bought something small that changed your everyday life for the
better? It could be a product that helped you sleep more soundly, eat more
healthily, or save money at the salon? Something that, for a minimal outlay,
made a significant difference.
We asked our team about the things that improved their lives, no matter how
small. From a reading light to a hairdryer, a pair of walking shoes to tweezers,
their answers inspired us – and we hope they inspire you, too.
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Firms such as Smallhold have lessons to be learned on what business can – and
can’t – do in transforming agriculture
When Andrew Carter and Adam DeMartino started their business Smallhold in 2017,
they set out with a simple vision they thought could have a big impact: feed
people mushrooms.
“Mushrooms are one of the most sustainable calories on the planet, in every
aspect,” Carter said, whether you’re looking at water, waste, plastic use or
greenhouse gas emissions. “We just wanted to get more people eating them.”
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Customers are coming to Preston’s Spud Bros from as far away as Australia thanks
to a revival of the humble jacket potato on social media
The humble baked potato is enjoying a renaissance, with TikTok algorithms
bringing the stuffed spud to new audiences and transforming this once-tired
classic into the lunch of the moment.
Young potato sellers are breathing new life into the traditional British meal,
with modern twists on favourite toppings.
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