The Deviation is an associative place of creation and artistic research
established in L'Estaque and managed by the association ENDEVENIR. It is
installed in former mechanical workshops since 2015. Since 2015, its team has
invested more than 1000 m2 of space for the performing arts, music and plastic
arts, in which artistic residences are hosted on the principle of free donation.
Through its regular openings, it actively participates in the cultural and
social life of the northern districts of Marseille: residency outings, concerts,
exhibitions, performances and other events are the occasion of convivial moments
where inhabitants of the district and visitors of the city center experiment
together another relationship to art. La Déviation is a place of learning and
experimentation thanks to the workshops it receives and animates. We experiment
with forms of exchange, reciprocal criticism, and see the skills circulate. More
than five years after its initialization, the project proves that what was
intuitively elaborated, dreamed and projected, is now efficient, real and
tangible. The Deviation now has an economic model that is both viable and still
developing. Since 2019 the association Parpaing Libre has bought the place. JAM
– Soirée de soutien au Chili – Décembre 2019. © La Déviation Guinguette et
espace polyvalent – Rencontre des lieux indépendants – AFAP et CNLII – mai 2019.
© La Déviation Inauguration de la guinguette en 2015. © La Déviation
Main image: La Déviation © Le Parpaing Libre