Ekoloji kolektifi, which sees the struggle against the commodification of nature
as a dimension of the class struggle, is charged with mobilizing opportunities
to strengthen the position of the people in the face of capital and the state,
building mechanisms for responding to disasters, and understanding and
explaining ecological issues. crisis from a historical materialist perspective.
Working according to the principles of Umut-Sen, members of the collective are
required to assume concrete responsibility in at least one working group and to
attend meetings held every two weeks.
Working group on propaganda: all practices that serve the commodification of
nature, such as municipalities, districts, political parties, etc. share with
the public regardless of the fact, follow the ideas of resistance, produce
materials necessary for organizing activities (visual design, technical
materials, translation, article, etc.), organize seminars/events on the topic it
deems necessary, share with the public the developments during and after the
disaster, follow the Umut-Sen line, it is responsible for creating debates and
polemics that will deepen it
Working group on disaster response: earthquake, flood, fire, landslide, etc. It
is in charge of setting up mobile teams ready to intervene in case of a
disaster, and to prepare these teams to intervene in case of a possible disaster
by following the necessary training.
Organization, Resistance and Solidarity Working Group: It is in charge of
establishing organic links with ongoing struggles, identifying and responding to
the concrete needs of the resistances, meeting with the populations of the
region that will be affected by the project before possible projects that cause
the plundering of nature, and providing the necessary advice.
Legal working group: It is in charge of providing the necessary legal support to
the ecological struggles, sometimes directly as an executive, and sometimes by
conducting information activities through village/café/neighborhood meetings.
Increasing the legal qualifications of the Umut-Sen Assembly's organizing
experts is also part of the scope of this working group. Ecological activism by
local groups ,Yeryüzü Ekoloji Kolektifi Ecological Rights Centre Started Its
Work, Ekoloji kolektifi Protest against polution, Ekoloji kolektifi