Open Collective Paris is an open source digital platform that allows all
citizens to create an online "collective" to respond to a social and/or
environmental issue in their territory. Indeed, in the face of all the new
challenges that territories are facing (migration, climate, health, social
inequalities...), many people want to get involved and act quickly and
collectively. Open Collective Paris allows collectives who wish to do so to free
themselves from administrative red tape by quickly and simply creating an
account on our platform.
Our platform allows collectives to organize themselves online, to gain
visibility and to manage their funds in a transparent way: everyone can see the
expenses and revenues of a collective. Open Collective Paris is open source.
Open Collective Paris is the independent branch of the Open Collective
association, present in many countries. Source text
Source: Open Collective Source: Open Collective Source: Open Collective
Tag - platform
All for Climate We are a back office and a fiscal sponsor for your local group
Managing administration and money can be a stress for small or bigger
collectives that want to start creating and building. That is exactly why we
started this shared nonprofit: one common legal entity bears the burden for all
collectives. It saves time for everyone. We truly believe that active citizens
should focus on executing ideas, not on administration and reporting taxes What
exactly does All For Climate provide?
* a homepage with your own url and your own transparant collective balance
(always know exactly how much money you have)
* a link to a donate button to add to your website, lots of options for
fundraising and receiving donations
* full autonomy: it is your money, you decide. We are unincorporated partners.
* easy and quick reimbursement of expenses you have (receipts, invoices, ...),
directly from your collective's balance
* options to create events for your collective (with built-in ticket system)
and sending newsletters and updates
* a back office that provides you with a monthly finance report
* a legal entity to sign for all applications to receive subsidies and funds
from institutions and governments
* a huge network of like minded people to share expertise and learn, all
working on climate and social justice System by All For Climate, source: All
For Climate logo All For Climate, source: All For Climate illustration All
For Climate, source: Open Collective
Source texte All For Climate
Ekoloji kolektifi, which sees the struggle against the commodification of nature
as a dimension of the class struggle, is charged with mobilizing opportunities
to strengthen the position of the people in the face of capital and the state,
building mechanisms for responding to disasters, and understanding and
explaining ecological issues. crisis from a historical materialist perspective.
Working according to the principles of Umut-Sen, members of the collective are
required to assume concrete responsibility in at least one working group and to
attend meetings held every two weeks.
Working group on propaganda: all practices that serve the commodification of
nature, such as municipalities, districts, political parties, etc. share with
the public regardless of the fact, follow the ideas of resistance, produce
materials necessary for organizing activities (visual design, technical
materials, translation, article, etc.), organize seminars/events on the topic it
deems necessary, share with the public the developments during and after the
disaster, follow the Umut-Sen line, it is responsible for creating debates and
polemics that will deepen it
Working group on disaster response: earthquake, flood, fire, landslide, etc. It
is in charge of setting up mobile teams ready to intervene in case of a
disaster, and to prepare these teams to intervene in case of a possible disaster
by following the necessary training.
Organization, Resistance and Solidarity Working Group: It is in charge of
establishing organic links with ongoing struggles, identifying and responding to
the concrete needs of the resistances, meeting with the populations of the
region that will be affected by the project before possible projects that cause
the plundering of nature, and providing the necessary advice.
Legal working group: It is in charge of providing the necessary legal support to
the ecological struggles, sometimes directly as an executive, and sometimes by
conducting information activities through village/café/neighborhood meetings.
Increasing the legal qualifications of the Umut-Sen Assembly's organizing
experts is also part of the scope of this working group. Ecological activism by
local groups ,Yeryüzü Ekoloji Kolektifi Ecological Rights Centre Started Its
Work, Ekoloji kolektifi Protest against polution, Ekoloji kolektifi
Created in 2007 under the impetus of Pierre Rabhi and a few close friends, the
Colibri Mouvement is a citizen movement that works towards the emergence of a
radically different ecological and solidarity-based society by encouraging
individual and collective action. Convinced that each and everyone holds a part
of the solution, it accompanies thousands of people and groups, everywhere on
the territories, who imagine together a new model of society, based on the
values of happy sobriety, cooperation and respect of the living. Composition of
the Cercles d'Orientation et de Pilotage de Colibris The orientational Circle,
Gouvernance Colibris Ecohousing, Colibris
Source texte: Mouvement Colibris