CAT is an educational charity dedicated to researching and communicating
positive solutions for environmental change.
The Centre for Alternative Technology is an eco-centre in Powys, mid-Wales,
dedicated to demonstrating and teaching sustainable development. CAT, despite
its name, no longer concentrates its efforts exclusively on alternative
technology, but provides information on all aspects of sustainable living. It is
open to visitors, offers postgraduate degrees as well as shorter residential and
one day courses; and publishes information on renewable energy, sustainable
architecture, organic farming, gardening, and sustainable living. CAT also runs
education programmes for schools and sells environmentally friendly items
through its on site shop, restaurant and mail order department. Pedagogy: Centre
for Alternative Technology, Wales, Architectural review Pedagogy: Centre for
Alternative Technology, Wales, Architectural review Centre for Alternative
Technology, Machynlleth, Wales. Photograph: Kevin Richardson/Alamy Photograph:
Kevin Richardson/Alamy source
Source text
Tag - workshops
Created in 2007 under the impetus of Pierre Rabhi and a few close friends, the
Colibri Mouvement is a citizen movement that works towards the emergence of a
radically different ecological and solidarity-based society by encouraging
individual and collective action. Convinced that each and everyone holds a part
of the solution, it accompanies thousands of people and groups, everywhere on
the territories, who imagine together a new model of society, based on the
values of happy sobriety, cooperation and respect of the living. Composition of
the Cercles d'Orientation et de Pilotage de Colibris The orientational Circle,
Gouvernance Colibris Ecohousing, Colibris
Source texte: Mouvement Colibris