A Protocol of Fairness
Sergiu Nisioi, 2023
Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease by TCP Reno. The chainsaw graph
illustrates how a node renounces its network resource usage once it identifies
I would like to start this short essay with a metaphor from the Internet. It’s
about a way of allocating resources (bandwidth) in a fair manner so that
everyone (both home-users and large organizations) can use the network. The
network represents the Internet and it is made of nodes (phones, laptops,
printers, servers, connected devices) and middleboxes (routers, switches,
proxies, firewalls etc.) which are engaged in a time-consuming process of
reading and processing packets coming from the nodes. Sometimes nodes are
sending packets at very high rates. The middleboxes get congested and have to
drop the surplus packets they cannot handle. When this happens, nodes usually
resend the dropped packets which further aggravates the congestion, thus making
the middleboxes even slower. This situation is called Congestion collapse and it
was firstly observed in the NSFNET in October 1986 when the transmission rates
dropped by 800 times. A most elementary solution to the Congestion collapse
problem would be to assign a special node that would be responsible for limiting
the traffic of the other existing nodes. But this would actually prove to be an
impractical and impossible solution, since nodes have a dynamic behavior and the
network has different capacities at different times. A solution is to establish
a protocol (i.e., a set of common rules) so that nodes can figure out by
themselves if the network is overloaded and to reduce the amount of resource
consumption. The rules must be fair and must allow new peers to join the network
without discriminating in favor of other ones. The Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF) is a collective responsible for designing the rules and
establishing the Internet protocols. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is
currently one of the most widely used protocols of the Internet (probably the
one you are using to read this text in your browser). This protocol has been
proposed in 1981 and has sustained several modifications since then. TCP is
responsible for governing the transmission of data and to ensure the data
arrives at the destination in order, without errors, without flooding a
receiver, and without congesting the entire network.
The underlying principle of the congestion control mechanism is called Additive
Increase Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD). More specifically, each node starts
consuming resources gradually, increasing the rate of consumption additively one
by one. As soon as congestion is detected, the rate is decreased
multiplicatively (let’s assume by half), giving back to the network half of its
resources. See a visualization of this process in the figure above. This allows
new nodes to join in and gives more time to the middleboxes to complete their
work without dropping any new incoming messages. But as new nodes join in, the
network can get congested again, and so each node will give back to the network
half of its resources which will free up even more resources to the entire
network. After going through this cycle multiple times, the network will reach a
stable state where the resources are fairly distributed across all the nodes.
The Internet
Cybersyn operations room. CGI Photograph by Rama, Wikimedia Commons,
The Internet today still preserves the relics of a decentralized design from the
early days, as far back as the ’60s, when the major work of designing its layers
came out from state-funded research and the ownership of the infrastructure was
public . Similarly to how the welfare state emerged as a response to the
socialist world , so the birth of the computer networks in the US can be
regarded as a government response to the Soviet accomplishments in science,
cybernetics, and space travel. In the socialist world, computer networks were
developed with the greater purpose of conducting economic planning, see for
example ОГАС (Statewide Automated Management System) developed in the ’60s in
the Soviet Union or the Cybersyn project in Allende’s Chile . In Romania, the
first computer networks were developed in the ’70s as part of RENOD/RENAC and
CAMELEON (Connectivity, Adaptability, Modularity, Extensibility, Local,
Efficiency, Openness, Networking) projects and were used for communicating
information from factories such as the now defunct and privatized Laminated
Electric Cable Company [Compania de Cablu Electric Laminat] in Zalău to the
planning authorities in Bucharest.
However, the network of networks that we all use today is very far from the
ideas of decentralization and public ownership. In fact, the Internet
infrastructure (NSFNET) has been privatized in the ’90s, like many different
public services across the world. From a public good of the US National Science
Foundation (NSF) to a handful of US Corporations . This type of ownership
monopoly has not changed over the years, on the contrary, it has been replicated
across the world in all the capitalist countries. In the early days of the ’90s
the Internet in Romania was provided by RNC (National Research Network) and by
many small neighborhood companies. Hacking culture, cracking, and file sharing
was widely popular . However, as the internet became more and more an instrument
for financial gainings and money-making, and as the free-market became more
powerful, extending to infiltrate post-socialist countries, these neighborhood
networks have been gradually taken over by larger companies which have been
mostly taken over by international corporations, leading to currently 5 major
Internet Service Providers.
In order for the Internet monopolies to maintain their large-scale networks and
ensure customer satisfaction [sic], special hardware middleboxes are created
specifically to process the millions of packets going through them every second.
These devices are usually proprietary, come at very high costs, and special
contracts tie a company’s infrastructure to a device manufacturer. Unlike the
ideas of reproductible open research which fuel innovation and helps towards a
better Internet, in this system, the capitalist chains of relations converge
towards tech monopolies which translate to high degree of surveillance,
prohibitively high internet prices for some end-users, and the exclusion of
certain groups from the benefits of the Internet.
Beyond the Physical Infrastructure
(C) SayCheeeeeese, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
The privatization of the physical infrastructure was lobbied by companies
because more and more willing-to-pay users wanted to join this network. From a
state-funded research and non-profit entity, the network quickly became a market
that was promoted as more democratic, where any small manufacturer can sell its
products and therefore its work to the entire world. However, in the capitalist
mode of production, it turned into a blind venture investment in startups that
promised a new economy. Inevitably, the dot-com bubble crashed in the early
2000s. Survivors of the crash became tech monopolies who control up to this day
the content being delivered, which products are promoted, the hosting
infrastructure, the means to search online content, and the general information
flow. It is interesting how the ideas of hacking (as tinkering and repurposing)
and the hacking culture of the nineties was captured by the capitalist mode of
production and re-directed towards a cult of innovation . Anything that was not
aligned with for-profit activities, such as media sharing, cracking, reverse
engineering, and other forms of tinkering, were criminalized with the help of
law enforcement. In this hostile context, the open culture of hacking was
captured and shattered by capitalist production and ownership.
The business models that emerged after the dot-com bubble are being driven by a
paid subscription, by charging users with their data, or by both. Something we
are very familiar with today. Media companies found new legislative methods to
forbid music and films from being redistributed. Similarly, academic publishers
rent their author’s PDFs at prohibitively-high prices just for being hosted on
their websites. Unlike physical objects that are consumed and enter a recycling
life, digital objects can be recreated indefinitely and new profits can be
obtained out of them regardless of the time and effort invested in their
creation. Human laborers annotating data for training artificial intelligence
are paid only once with an extremely low wage, but how much more can be
extracted by indefinitely mining that data? Today, the largest tech companies
drive their profits from advertisements, marketing, the manipulation of desire,
and behavioral prediction and the Internet is the space where all of this
happens. Far from being a public space, the Internet is a highly privatized one
both in terms of physical and software infrastructures.
Steps Towards Digital Literacy
Most if not all the present technological advancements emerged from state-funded
open and reproducible research. Usually omitted and treated as a historical
event, deprived of its political and economic meaning, this fact should not be
forgotten when re-envisioning and rebuilding the Internet as a collective open
resource. Neither should be the fact that the physical infrastructure is
grounded in the natural resources of the planet. As long as the internet is not
regarded as a public good, but it remains privately owned by profit-oriented
entities, then our alternatives are very little. But let’s not abandon all hopes
as we can at least strive for digital emancipation, to gain more knowledge on
how the underlying technologies function, to encourage hacking, and to find
platforms that respect user privacy and do not treat users as a source of data
to be mined. To start somewhere, maybe the first step would be to gather some
comrades and convince them to start tinkering together. See the online
collaborative tools published by Framasoft or CryptPad for de-googling the
internet. Consider trying alternative open services such as peertube - a
peer-to-peer protocol where videos are both viewed and uploaded to other users
at the same time. Or Mastodon - an alternative to extractivist social media
based on ActivityPub protocol. Try to join an existing instance to see how it
looks like. Most importantly, join with a couple of friends. Collectives such as
systerserver and riseup offer services for activists and people who are
interested in digital emancipation. Experiment with alternative ways of
accessing the internet using privacy-focused tools such as I2P, Tor, or Freenet.
Using alternative software and services might be a good place to start, but if
you wish to gain technical knowledge, among the first things to try would be to
install a free and open-source operating system, Linux-based or BSD. Such a
radical transition on your personal computer might be shocking or impractical,
but you can try to install it on a Raspberry Pi or on some old machine that you
recover from scrap. It doesn’t have to be a very fast up-to-date computer, Linux
distributions can be lightweight enough to run on an old machine with few
resources. This can become your low-fi server and it can give you an idea of
what running a Unix system is about.
Then you should try to self-host a service, which can mean a lot of work, but
consider it more of a process to acquire digital skills than creating something
for providing reliable services. If you went on the path of recovering an old
computer from scrap, the best thing to host might just be a static website . If
the machine is somewhat comparable to your PC, then the easiest way to start
self-hosting is to install yunohost on the computer that you designate as a
server. Yunohost is a Debian-based operating system that comes with a web
interface and a set of pre-configured services such as WordPress, Nextcloud,
Etherpad, etc. These processes can be done on a computer that does not need to
be connected to the Internet. You can access the server by connecting it on your
local network via WiFi or cable. This is a good way to learn how to configure a
server and how to install services. It also gives a better understanding of what
sort of configurations can be done at the level of a local network. Self-hosting
a reliable service is difficult, do not expect everything to work perfectly from
the start. Treat this as a learning process. Play with the server locally. If
you wish to share the content with a small group of friends, create a Mesh VPN
Network by installing zerotier on your devices. This will create a virtual
network that will allow you and your friends to connect to your server from any
device that has joined the same virtual network. For true Internet connectivity,
you can use a dynamic DNS from your internet service provider or obtain a domain
name and configure it to point to your server. After obtaining a domain name, it
is a good habit to also obtain a certificate for your name that can be used to
encrypt connections between your server and the users through HTTPS. You can
obtain a free certificate from Let’s Encrypt. DNS is responsible for mapping the
human-readable name to an IP address. A simple way of blocking ads and trackers
on your local network at home is to use a blacklist with all the well-known
trackers and their domain names. A pi-hole is exactly that, a tiny Raspberry Pi
that you put on your local network to act as a fake DNS server. Every time your
browser makes a request to a tracker the pi-hole will return a false IP address,
so it will not be able to access pages from the blacklisted domains. After
gaining more experience with configuring a server, you may even consider
self-hosting your own Mastodon instance and invite your friends or connect with
other instances.
In every step above, keep a journal of what worked or not, this is a way of
redistributing knowledge. And do not forget that to achieve systemic change we
must put pressure on the current system, strike against digital imperialism, and
demand the Internet to become a public infrastructure in the interest of all the
Sergiu Nisioi is a research scientist and professor at the University of
Bucharest where he teaches Computer Networking, Machine Translation, and
Archaeology of Intelligent Machines - an experi-mental course in the history of
artificial intelligence. His research covers areas related to computational
linguistics, artificial learning theory, and the history of cybernetics in
A text commissioned by tranzit.ro, as part of a mapping of resilient practices
in Romania and Eastern Europe, in the frame of C4R project.
Tag - cybernetics
A Protocol of Fairness
Sergiu Nisioi, 2023
Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease by TCP Reno. The chainsaw graph
illustrates how a node renounces its network resource usage once it identifies
I would like to start this short essay with a metaphor from the Internet. It’s
about a way of allocating resources (bandwidth) in a fair manner so that
everyone (both home-users and large organizations) can use the network. The
network represents the Internet and it is made of nodes (phones, laptops,
printers, servers, connected devices) and middleboxes (routers, switches,
proxies, firewalls etc.) which are engaged in a time-consuming process of
reading and processing packets coming from the nodes. Sometimes nodes are
sending packets at very high rates. The middleboxes get congested and have to
drop the surplus packets they cannot handle. When this happens, nodes usually
resend the dropped packets which further aggravates the congestion, thus making
the middleboxes even slower. This situation is called Congestion collapse and it
was firstly observed in the NSFNET in October 1986 when the transmission rates
dropped by 800 times. A most elementary solution to the Congestion collapse
problem would be to assign a special node that would be responsible for limiting
the traffic of the other existing nodes. But this would actually prove to be an
impractical and impossible solution, since nodes have a dynamic behavior and the
network has different capacities at different times. A solution is to establish
a protocol (i.e., a set of common rules) so that nodes can figure out by
themselves if the network is overloaded and to reduce the amount of resource
consumption. The rules must be fair and must allow new peers to join the network
without discriminating in favor of other ones. The Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF) is a collective responsible for designing the rules and
establishing the Internet protocols. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is
currently one of the most widely used protocols of the Internet (probably the
one you are using to read this text in your browser). This protocol has been
proposed in 1981 and has sustained several modifications since then. TCP is
responsible for governing the transmission of data and to ensure the data
arrives at the destination in order, without errors, without flooding a
receiver, and without congesting the entire network.
The underlying principle of the congestion control mechanism is called Additive
Increase Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD). More specifically, each node starts
consuming resources gradually, increasing the rate of consumption additively one
by one. As soon as congestion is detected, the rate is decreased
multiplicatively (let’s assume by half), giving back to the network half of its
resources. See a visualization of this process in the figure above. This allows
new nodes to join in and gives more time to the middleboxes to complete their
work without dropping any new incoming messages. But as new nodes join in, the
network can get congested again, and so each node will give back to the network
half of its resources which will free up even more resources to the entire
network. After going through this cycle multiple times, the network will reach a
stable state where the resources are fairly distributed across all the nodes.
The Internet
Cybersyn operations room. CGI Photograph by Rama, Wikimedia Commons,
The Internet today still preserves the relics of a decentralized design from the
early days, as far back as the ’60s, when the major work of designing its layers
came out from state-funded research and the ownership of the infrastructure was
public . Similarly to how the welfare state emerged as a response to the
socialist world , so the birth of the computer networks in the US can be
regarded as a government response to the Soviet accomplishments in science,
cybernetics, and space travel. In the socialist world, computer networks were
developed with the greater purpose of conducting economic planning, see for
example ОГАС (Statewide Automated Management System) developed in the ’60s in
the Soviet Union or the Cybersyn project in Allende’s Chile . In Romania, the
first computer networks were developed in the ’70s as part of RENOD/RENAC and
CAMELEON (Connectivity, Adaptability, Modularity, Extensibility, Local,
Efficiency, Openness, Networking) projects and were used for communicating
information from factories such as the now defunct and privatized Laminated
Electric Cable Company [Compania de Cablu Electric Laminat] in Zalău to the
planning authorities in Bucharest.
However, the network of networks that we all use today is very far from the
ideas of decentralization and public ownership. In fact, the Internet
infrastructure (NSFNET) has been privatized in the ’90s, like many different
public services across the world. From a public good of the US National Science
Foundation (NSF) to a handful of US Corporations . This type of ownership
monopoly has not changed over the years, on the contrary, it has been replicated
across the world in all the capitalist countries. In the early days of the ’90s
the Internet in Romania was provided by RNC (National Research Network) and by
many small neighborhood companies. Hacking culture, cracking, and file sharing
was widely popular . However, as the internet became more and more an instrument
for financial gainings and money-making, and as the free-market became more
powerful, extending to infiltrate post-socialist countries, these neighborhood
networks have been gradually taken over by larger companies which have been
mostly taken over by international corporations, leading to currently 5 major
Internet Service Providers.
In order for the Internet monopolies to maintain their large-scale networks and
ensure customer satisfaction [sic], special hardware middleboxes are created
specifically to process the millions of packets going through them every second.
These devices are usually proprietary, come at very high costs, and special
contracts tie a company’s infrastructure to a device manufacturer. Unlike the
ideas of reproductible open research which fuel innovation and helps towards a
better Internet, in this system, the capitalist chains of relations converge
towards tech monopolies which translate to high degree of surveillance,
prohibitively high internet prices for some end-users, and the exclusion of
certain groups from the benefits of the Internet.
Beyond the Physical Infrastructure
(C) SayCheeeeeese, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
The privatization of the physical infrastructure was lobbied by companies
because more and more willing-to-pay users wanted to join this network. From a
state-funded research and non-profit entity, the network quickly became a market
that was promoted as more democratic, where any small manufacturer can sell its
products and therefore its work to the entire world. However, in the capitalist
mode of production, it turned into a blind venture investment in startups that
promised a new economy. Inevitably, the dot-com bubble crashed in the early
2000s. Survivors of the crash became tech monopolies who control up to this day
the content being delivered, which products are promoted, the hosting
infrastructure, the means to search online content, and the general information
flow. It is interesting how the ideas of hacking (as tinkering and repurposing)
and the hacking culture of the nineties was captured by the capitalist mode of
production and re-directed towards a cult of innovation . Anything that was not
aligned with for-profit activities, such as media sharing, cracking, reverse
engineering, and other forms of tinkering, were criminalized with the help of
law enforcement. In this hostile context, the open culture of hacking was
captured and shattered by capitalist production and ownership.
The business models that emerged after the dot-com bubble are being driven by a
paid subscription, by charging users with their data, or by both. Something we
are very familiar with today. Media companies found new legislative methods to
forbid music and films from being redistributed. Similarly, academic publishers
rent their author’s PDFs at prohibitively-high prices just for being hosted on
their websites. Unlike physical objects that are consumed and enter a recycling
life, digital objects can be recreated indefinitely and new profits can be
obtained out of them regardless of the time and effort invested in their
creation. Human laborers annotating data for training artificial intelligence
are paid only once with an extremely low wage, but how much more can be
extracted by indefinitely mining that data? Today, the largest tech companies
drive their profits from advertisements, marketing, the manipulation of desire,
and behavioral prediction and the Internet is the space where all of this
happens. Far from being a public space, the Internet is a highly privatized one
both in terms of physical and software infrastructures.
Steps Towards Digital Literacy
Most if not all the present technological advancements emerged from state-funded
open and reproducible research. Usually omitted and treated as a historical
event, deprived of its political and economic meaning, this fact should not be
forgotten when re-envisioning and rebuilding the Internet as a collective open
resource. Neither should be the fact that the physical infrastructure is
grounded in the natural resources of the planet. As long as the internet is not
regarded as a public good, but it remains privately owned by profit-oriented
entities, then our alternatives are very little. But let’s not abandon all hopes
as we can at least strive for digital emancipation, to gain more knowledge on
how the underlying technologies function, to encourage hacking, and to find
platforms that respect user privacy and do not treat users as a source of data
to be mined. To start somewhere, maybe the first step would be to gather some
comrades and convince them to start tinkering together. See the online
collaborative tools published by Framasoft or CryptPad for de-googling the
internet. Consider trying alternative open services such as peertube - a
peer-to-peer protocol where videos are both viewed and uploaded to other users
at the same time. Or Mastodon - an alternative to extractivist social media
based on ActivityPub protocol. Try to join an existing instance to see how it
looks like. Most importantly, join with a couple of friends. Collectives such as
systerserver and riseup offer services for activists and people who are
interested in digital emancipation. Experiment with alternative ways of
accessing the internet using privacy-focused tools such as I2P, Tor, or Freenet.
Using alternative software and services might be a good place to start, but if
you wish to gain technical knowledge, among the first things to try would be to
install a free and open-source operating system, Linux-based or BSD. Such a
radical transition on your personal computer might be shocking or impractical,
but you can try to install it on a Raspberry Pi or on some old machine that you
recover from scrap. It doesn’t have to be a very fast up-to-date computer, Linux
distributions can be lightweight enough to run on an old machine with few
resources. This can become your low-fi server and it can give you an idea of
what running a Unix system is about.
Then you should try to self-host a service, which can mean a lot of work, but
consider it more of a process to acquire digital skills than creating something
for providing reliable services. If you went on the path of recovering an old
computer from scrap, the best thing to host might just be a static website . If
the machine is somewhat comparable to your PC, then the easiest way to start
self-hosting is to install yunohost on the computer that you designate as a
server. Yunohost is a Debian-based operating system that comes with a web
interface and a set of pre-configured services such as WordPress, Nextcloud,
Etherpad, etc. These processes can be done on a computer that does not need to
be connected to the Internet. You can access the server by connecting it on your
local network via WiFi or cable. This is a good way to learn how to configure a
server and how to install services. It also gives a better understanding of what
sort of configurations can be done at the level of a local network. Self-hosting
a reliable service is difficult, do not expect everything to work perfectly from
the start. Treat this as a learning process. Play with the server locally. If
you wish to share the content with a small group of friends, create a Mesh VPN
Network by installing zerotier on your devices. This will create a virtual
network that will allow you and your friends to connect to your server from any
device that has joined the same virtual network. For true Internet connectivity,
you can use a dynamic DNS from your internet service provider or obtain a domain
name and configure it to point to your server. After obtaining a domain name, it
is a good habit to also obtain a certificate for your name that can be used to
encrypt connections between your server and the users through HTTPS. You can
obtain a free certificate from Let’s Encrypt. DNS is responsible for mapping the
human-readable name to an IP address. A simple way of blocking ads and trackers
on your local network at home is to use a blacklist with all the well-known
trackers and their domain names. A pi-hole is exactly that, a tiny Raspberry Pi
that you put on your local network to act as a fake DNS server. Every time your
browser makes a request to a tracker the pi-hole will return a false IP address,
so it will not be able to access pages from the blacklisted domains. After
gaining more experience with configuring a server, you may even consider
self-hosting your own Mastodon instance and invite your friends or connect with
other instances.
In every step above, keep a journal of what worked or not, this is a way of
redistributing knowledge. And do not forget that to achieve systemic change we
must put pressure on the current system, strike against digital imperialism, and
demand the Internet to become a public infrastructure in the interest of all the
Sergiu Nisioi is a research scientist and professor at the University of
Bucharest where he teaches Computer Networking, Machine Translation, and
Archaeology of Intelligent Machines - an experi-mental course in the history of
artificial intelligence. His research covers areas related to computational
linguistics, artificial learning theory, and the history of cybernetics in
A text commissioned by tranzit.ro, as part of a mapping of resilient practices
in Romania and Eastern Europe, in the frame of C4R project.